Girls, you aint cute, cool or sweet when you-
1) Scold Vulgars
- This is really crap, girl with bad mouths.. i dnt knw why, but it's not music to my ears wen girls scold vulgar.. girls are sweetstuffs, and vulgars are really not for you all.. Syg tak kay? I know you don't
2) Dirty Mouths
- Okay, this is wrong.. Come on! This stuff is for boys! And you girls cant do it, really.. haha.. and cause this creates a wrong impression on ur profile.. i stay away from this topic and i do the same to girls who find it intriguing.. dirty mouth aint feminine..
3) Don't do homework
- hahah, really really, it doesnt look nice to see a girl standing in class or get kicked out of the class.. for boys its ok, haha, but not for girls.. come on, a disorganised and uncoordinated girl? nah not the average type..
4) Serious moodswings & sulking
- Really, moodswings burns the day.. and sulking and emotional and sendimental crap just make it worse to see.. sulking is cute if its a joke, but really really sulking is crap and such a burden.. cause ur moodswings are more violent than nuclear bombs..
5) Pretending classy
- Oh the irony, i see this very often.. stop it already, its so obvious you're faking.. And why? No its not cool, nor cute either.. just be urself, but filter the bad stuff.. haha.. down to earth is where u should stand..
6) exaggerating Big Shot
- The song 'miss independent' is cool, and bossy is ok if you dont exaggerate it.. I dont mind the queen ruling but pissing us off with your incompetent authority is as embarassing as it is humorous..
7) scurrilous gossips
- Really not my thing, yeah sure you can talk about your friends but going against their views is wrong.. everyones unique and different, and theres nothing wrong with that.. unless u're notorious ah, but usually its not.. and no ones perfect, u talk about her or him but at times that perspective is flashed in ur mirror.. heard mj's song? man in the mirror? its something like tat...
8) melodramatic
- if a mosquito bite is unbearable, dont tell me how ur vaccination went.. i bet its simply psychological, u see a blunt pencil and u feel like fainting.. i'll shoot u wen u sleep and u'll keep snoring.. stop pretending its so painful, or keep dragging about the pain, its really annoying..
9) Acting dumb
- Why? why act dumb? wanna be a dildo? a rape victim? come on! its vr ugly.. and to talk with a dumbass is very difficult.. thou reconciling may be a piece of cake.. but thats not sweet nor cute.. its like talking to a donkey..
10) Narcissism
- Not very cute.. vain aint something sweet or virtuous.. but its ok, really, to take pictures of urself, but excessive self love is plain creepy.. like somekind of asexual organism.. haha.. understood?
Baby not you taw!!
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