Alryte, tiring day.. and still there's school tomorrow..
Why tiring day? I will tell you..
kk, started the day wrongly, woke up late at 6.30am..
Rushed to school, got the bus and made it to school before 7.25am
kk, 1st subject was emm bio..
Fast fact about my bio teacher- "act zealous in his lessons"
cause he'll get pissed off.. but he cant blame us man, his lessons are boring..
and he's very wacky, he'll shout even if the class room is quite..
and he dnt like me ah.. haha.. well thats what i think...
After that was Physics.. Kk, Mr Lin and me didnt had a good foundation but lately, because i have been answering his questions correctly, he is kinda okay with me.. Hahaha, not tryna be a kiss ass, but more of a good student.. haha..
yeah coz my religion says that you have to respect your teachers.. so i'll get good marks.. hahhhh.. yeah... but i gotto do..
kla, skip to funny part..
after sch, went to mosque and amath test (difficult) and played soccer..
kk, then i went to the library..
otw there, i met a few blunders..
the library is in northpoint, level 4..
so i had to take the escalators..
and.. hahaha... i couldnt make out which escalator went up.. and it happened again on the next escalator... hahahahahah... i'll tell u why..
the escalator had footprints printed wrongly, so it looks as if its going up but its going down.. the escalator i mean is going down.. and i was very blur.. darn... haiyaya..
kk, well, thats the story... tired.. sleepy.. and missing the sweetest girl on earth..
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